Prometheus context provider for OpenCtx

This is a context provider for OpenCtx that lets you hover over a Prometheus metric's registration in your code to see what it's doing in prod and to click through to the live metrics on Prometheus, Grafana, or another metrics viewer.


Screenshot of OpenCtx Prometheus items in a GitHub PR

Hover over a Prometheus metric registration in a GitHub PR to see what it's doing in prod

Visit the OpenCtx playground for a live example.


Add the following to your settings in any OpenCtx client:

"openctx.providers": {
// ...other providers...
"": {
"metricRegistrationPatterns": [
"path": "**/*.go",
"pattern": "prometheus\\.(?:Summary|Histogram)Opts{\\s*Name:\\s*\"([^\"]+)",
"urlTemplate": "$1&"
"path": "**/*.[tj]s",
"pattern": "new promClient\\.(?:Summary|Histogram)\\({\\s*name: '([^']+)",
"urlTemplate": "$1&"

Customize these metric registration patterns to match how your codebase registers Prometheus metrics.

See "Configuration" for more.


  • If you're using VS Code, you can put the snippet above in .vscode/settings.json in the repository or workspace root to configure per-repository links.
  • Play around with the Prometheus provider in realtime on the OpenCtx playground.


/** Settings for the Prometheus OpenCtx provider. */
export interface Settings {
* Patterns that match metric registrations.
metricRegistrationPatterns?: MetricRegistrationPattern[]
interface MetricRegistrationPattern {
* Glob pattern matching the file URIs in which to search for this pattern.
path: string
* Regexp pattern whose first capture group matches the metric name.
* @example `prometheus\\.HistogramOpts{\s*Name:\s*"([^"]+)`
* @example `new promClient\\.Histogram\\({\\s*name: '([^']+)`
pattern: string
* The URL to view matching metrics on Prometheus, Grafana, or another metrics viewer, with $1
* replaced by the metric name.
* @example$1&
* @example,%22now%22,%22Prometheus%22,%7B%22expr%22:%22$1%22%7D%5D
urlTemplate: string
