Confluence context provider for OpenCtx

OpenCtx context provider for bringing Confluence context into code AI and editors.


  1. Create an API token
  2. Configure your OpenCtx client

"openctx.providers": {
// ...other providers...
"": {
"url": "",
"email": "<email-address>",
"apiToken": "<api-token>",

Mention support

  • Searches page titles

Context included

  • Page body


  • url — Confluence URL — Required (e.g. "")
  • email — Email — Required
  • apiToken — API token — Required


Local Testing

  1. Clone the repo
  2. pnpm install
  3. pnpm -C provider/confluence bundle --watch to automatically recompile on changes
  4. Run echo file://$(pwd)/provider/confluence/dist/bundle.js and use that URL in your OpenCtx instead of ""
  5. Reload your OpenCtx client