Status: experimental
OpenCtx providers are simple programs that fetch relevant information about a code file from other dev tools:
- Docs/wiki: relevant design docs and other internal docs about your code.
- Issues: bugs and planned work on your code.
- Logs: log messages and errors from your application in production.
- Observability: execution traces and stats from your application.
- Monitoring: performance and status metrics recorded by your application.
- Design: mockups and storybooks of your application and UI components.
This information is consumed by OpenCtx clients:
- Editors: see code metadata about the code you're editing or debugging.
- Code search: search by and see code metadata when reading and exploring code.
- Code hosts & code review: see code metadata about the code you're reviewing on your code host.
- Code AI tools: feed additional codebase context to your code AI tool so it writes/fixes code and answer questions better—a code AI tool is more likely to be able to fix a bug if it can see relevant stack traces from your production logging service.