Linear Issues context provider for OpenCtx

This is a context provider for OpenCtx that brings Linear Issues context to code AI and editors. Only items, not annotations, are supported.

Status: Experimental

Configuration for Sourcegraph teammates

  1. Find "OpenCtx Linear Issues provider config" in 1Password and add it to your user settings.
  2. Start using the provider!

"openctx.providers": {
// ...other providers...
"": {
"accessToken": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",

Configuration outside of Sourcegraph

To create Linear API credentials:

  1. Create an OAuth2 application in Linear.
  2. Save the client configuration JSON file (linear_client_config.json).
  3. Obtain an access token for your user account: run LINEAR_OAUTH_CLIENT_FILE=path/to/linear_client_config.json pnpm auth and continue in your web browser.
  4. The access token will be saved in a JSON file with a path printed to the console.

Then use the following OpenCtx provider configuration:

"openctx.providers": {
// ...other providers...
"": {
"userCredentialsPath": "path/to/access_token_file_printed.json",
