See contextual info about code from your dev tools, in your editor and anywhere else you read code.
Editors & clients
- VS Code
- Browser ext
- GitHub
- Sourcegraph
- Cody
- Monaco Editor
- CodeMirror
- More coming soon...
How it looks in your editor
import { SignInPage, type SignInPageProps } from './SignInPage.js'
const config: Meta = {
title: 'web/auth/SignInPage',
export const Default: StoryFn = () => (
<WebStory>{() => <SignInPage context={context} authenticatedUser={null} />}</WebStory>
export const ShowMore: StoryFn = () => (
<WebStory initialEntries={[{ pathname: '/sign-in', search: '?showMore' }]}>
{() => <SignInPage context={{ ...context, primaryLoginProvidersCount: 1 }} authenticatedUser={null} />}
export const Dotcom: StoryFn = () => (
{() => <SignInPage context={{ ...context, sourcegraphDotComMode: true }} authenticatedUser={null} />}

(Don't worry. It doesn't actually blink yellow in your editor, and you can easily hide the items when you don't want them.)