OpenCtx browser extension
The OpenCtx browser extension enhances your code host's UI with contextual info from your other dev tools.
Install it for:
- Google Chrome
- Coming soon: Firefox, Safari, Brave, Arc, Edge, and any other browser that supports the WebExtensions API
Supported code hosts:
- GitHub (code view, pull request diff view)
- Coming soon: GitLab, Bitbucket Cloud & Server
After installing it in Chrome, visit the following pages to see it in action:
Click the extension's icon to change your configuration.
See relevant docs when reviewing a GitHub PR
And when viewing files on GitHub.
Known issues
OpenCtx providers
No remotely hosted Because of the restriction on remotely hosted code in Chrome extensions, the browser extension does not support all OpenCtx context providers.
Supported providers:
- All providers that are implemented as an HTTP endpoint
- The following additional providers:
Unsupported providers:
- Any other provider that is implemented as a JavaScript bundle executed on the client
GitHub pull request files are annotated with only partial file contents
Only the displayed portion of the diffs of GitHub pull request files are sent to the OpenCtx provider. Providers do not receive the full contents of the changed files, nor do they receive the diff markers to let them know whether each line was an addition, removal, edit, or context.
- Source code
- Docs
- License: Apache 2.0